Advice for a better lead collection strategy

With the rising competition in the e-commerce sector, it is not enough to have a quality product or a service anymore, you need to build a strong relationship with your clients for them to stay loyal to you. 

As you probably already know, not all people are your potential clients. One of your main tasks as a business owner is to find the ones that will take interest in what you are offering and nurture them into becoming part of your loyal clientele. 

In digital marketing, this is called “lead collection”. There are different ways and tools that you can use to do that. One of the easiest ways is with different popups. 

With Catchfull you have many options to make the perfect popups for your website. Subscribe today and take advantage of a 3-month free trial of our product.

But before you start your lead collection campaign, there are some things you should consider and discuss with your marketing and sales teams.

5 important steps for your next lead generation campaign

  1. Quality over quantity

As we already mentioned, not all people are your potential clients. Keep that in mind as you develop your marketing strategy. Every business aims at a specific target audience and reaches just a part of it. Here, the saying “the more the merrier” does not apply in the traditional way. 

In every lead collection campaign, the main KPI is the leads. You will want to have the contact details of people who have the potential to be your clients and not of all random people that visited your website once.

Focus on your specific audience and try to gather as many leads from there. If you try to push your product on a person who has close to zero interest in your business, you will create the exact opposite of what you are aiming for and push them away.

  1. Motivate your target audience

If you want to receive something it is best to give something in return. People do not want to share their personal details with anybody, and especially their email address. They do not want to clog their inbox with emails from various companies so they will need a strong incentive to give you their details.

One thing you can do is to offer them a discount on your product/s. This is a win-win situation – your potential customers get a special offer and if they use it, they become your actual customers that you can later nurture into loyal ones. 

If you track your users’ behaviour on your website you can even show them personalized offers and give them a discount on items that you would not normally put on sale. That way they will start to feel special from the beginning of your relationship.

You can also give people an e-book, audiobook, free consultations etc. for something they take interest in exchange for their email. 

Your lead capture form can be interactive, in a quiz form for example. You can build a quick personality test related to your brand and according to the results, you will learn which of your products are suitable for this specific customer. People will get their results via email. If your quiz is good enough, people can even share it on their social media profiles.

  1. Collect only the data you need

Although it can be tempting to ask for every bit of information that your visitors are willing to give you, try to stick to the essentials. Imagine a scenario where you have convinced a user to give you their contact information and you start asking about their phone number, street address, pet’s name etc. They can easily close your lead form and never look back.

Do not underestimate the power of a name and an email. You can have your next sales campaign using only that and it has the potential of being a great success. Of course, if you really need a person’s phone number, you can put a field where they can write it down, just make it optional.  

  1. Make your lead forms simple and responsive

No matter if you put your lead form on your landing page as a welcome popup, in your sub-pages or your social media channels, be sure to make it as straightforward as possible. 

You can choose a design that fits your brand identity and a message written in your tone of voice but be sure to have a strong call to action. You want your message to be loud and clear and the users will instantly know what they will have to do. Avoid additional elements that do not help your goal. 

The main point is to grab the visitor’s attention, to ask about their contact information and to give them something in return. If this information is not visible and clear they will quickly reach for the close button.

It is mandatory to make all your content responsive – no matter if it is your website page or your popups. More than 50% of people surf the web via smartphone. Optimize your content for the variety of screens.

  1. Have a plan before starting a lead generation campaign

Before collecting all those leads ask yourself what will you do with them afterwards? You expand your email list in order to connect with your prospective clients. Be sure to send them a follow-up email with the things you promised – a promo code, a newsletter, a sign-up link etc.

If you want to have a solid base of qualified leads do not disappoint the people you have connected with. As in every relationship, it is important to have trust and respect. Keeping that in mind, try to send only personalized emails. Always start your letter with your lead’s name.

In conclusion

Nowadays, collecting leads is the main source for prospective clients. You can earn a lot if you do it right. Be sure to have a good lead management system where you will keep track of all your leads, how often you contact them, what is the open rate of your emails etc.

Probably the most important thing is to store the information you have gathered correctly. Make sure that everything on your website is GDPR compliant and the data of your visitors will not be present on your pages or in search engines.

Even though you collected those emails with hard and honest work, know how and when to let your leads go. Make it easy for users to unsubscribe from your newsletter and to part ways with you, hoping that it is just for now.

If you are ready for your next lead generation campaign, see what Catchfull can offer your business! From popups with discount offers, through customer surveys to exit popups, you will find everything suitable for your business! Subscribe for Catchfull today and get a 3-month free trial of our product.

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