How to ask for a testimonial from a client: tips and tricks
As you probably know, user testimonials are an important part of any business еspecially in e-commerce. Around 90% of customers say that they read other users’ reviews before buying a product or using a service. 79% of online customers admit that they trust reviews as much as recommendations from their friends.
For a user to have an opinion about your product or service, first they have to use it. It is important to engage them from the moment they land on your webpage with a welcome popup! Catchfull will be your partner in building strong relationships with your customers. If you subscribe today, you will have the chance to try our product for free for the first 3 months.
If you have a lot of satisfied clients and not enough customer testimonials here are some tips and tricks on how to obtain them.
How to make a testimonial request?
There is a hundred percent chance you will not get what you want if you do not ask for it. Decrease this number by simply asking your clients for a review. A lot of people will be eager to share their thoughts about your business.
One way to do this is via a request email. After a user made a purchase, send them a personalized email thanking them for using your product or service and ask them politely to share their experience with your business. You can prepare an email template and change the name/username of your client for every email you send.
If you have an app, use a popup at the end of the user journey providing a rating system – stars, emojis or whatever is suitable. Users can simply tap on the picture corresponding to their level of satisfaction. If the user chooses the highest rating, include a blank space where they can share their opinion in their own words. To make this process smoother you can auto-fill this form with a predefined sentence to give your clients an example of what they can say.
Another way for gathering customer reviews and testimonials is to include a printed letter in the delivery package. The text in it can be almost the same as in the email. You can leave a link/QR code where they can publish their review or an address where they can send an email.
When to ask?
After you decide how to ask your customers about their opinion, it is important to know when to do that. The timing depends on your business. If you have a website where you sell goods, it is best to ask your clients to leave their review after a successful delivery. That way they will have an opinion about the entire process and the product.
If you offer a service or an app, that can be used continuously, prompt users to share their thoughts one or two weeks after using your product. You want your customers to give their honest opinion – use the great ones as social proof and learn from the bad ones.
To improve your response rate you can remind your clients to rate your business one or two weeks after the initial testimonial form. Often users just do not have time to leave a review the first time you ask them and will be glad to do that after a gentle reminder. Remember that asking two times is more than enough, some users just do not want to leave a review.
Where to use the testimonials?
After you are done collecting testimonials and you have all kinds of them – case studies, video testimonials, customer reviews etc, it is time to find the best place to use them.
It is recommended to have a testimonial page where you can highlight the best reviews your clients gave you. You would be surprised how many people check this page before deciding to trust your business.
Another place to use the nice words of your customers is your sales pages. No matter if this page aims to convince your leads to subscribe to your product or make a purchase, the ultimate goal is to nurture them into becoming your clients.
When you gather enough reviews be sure to use them in your social media channels to improve your content marketing strategy. Always include a quote from the review, a link to the testimonial and a picture or a video of your client if possible.
Additional tips
If you struggle with collecting user reviews, you can always add an incentive for your customers. Offer them a discount on their next purchase or implement a system where each review gives them points which they can use on your website.
Always ask for people’s consent to use their reviews on your channels. You do not want to turn your satisfied users into your enemies.
Use Catchfull at any point in your user journey to facilitate gathering customer testimonials. Test our product with a 3-month free trial upon subscription.